My condolences


This is the section in which I express my deep thanks to the people that made this website possible. Below, I include the links to other websites that have given me the graphics I include on this website. They don't provide the Hanson pictures, but they deserve a thank you.


Of course I had to include Hansonline, the official site made be Hanson, I want to thank them for letting me be a total copycat, copying your appearances and Tour updates


Be sure to check billboard out, they're awesome

Clip Art

Clip Art, one of the many professional quality graphics sites I have seen by far, Check 'em out!

Shadow Dream Graphics

Shadow Dream Graphics have excellent quality graphics and backgrounds I have yet to use, Check this website out!

Cool Text

Thanks to CoolText for the cool logos and graphics

Hey, special thanks to for spreading the word about this site, thanks Lz!